Oct 25, 2015
“This Is My Story – Part II”
Acts 8:26-40
“And an angel of the Lord said to Philip . . .” (v.26)
“And the Spirit said to Philip . . .” (v.29)
Implication: I need to position myself so I can hear God speak clearly.
Oct 18, 2015
MATT 9:35-38
As we stand before the Lord the conversation may go something like this.
“What did you do to share My gospel with the world?”
Jesus saw the multitudes! “Seeing the people”
Jesus saw their needs: “distressed and downcast”
Pain: Sick (Mat14:14); Blind (Jn9:1-41);...
Oct 11, 2015
“This Is My Story - Part I"
John 9:1-41
As a follower of Christ you have a ______________ to tell.
Every story has a _______________ theme. (John 9:1-2)
Oct 5, 2015
Why Marriage Ministry?
1) To _________ or ______________ the _________ message to marriages through the making of ______________.
Eph. 5:25
2) To produce a ______________ effect on our __________ and ___________ ministries as families are only as __________ as marriages. Prov. 14:26
3) A couple who may...