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Jul 27, 2014

Soul Satisfaction - A Study Of Philippians (Chapter 4: 2 - 9) 

His Nearness Is Our Good . . .(v. 4-5)


“But as for me, the nearness of God is my good . . .” Psalm 73:28a


“But You are near, O LORD, and all your commandments are true!”  Psalm 119:151


“The LORD is near to all who call on Him, to all who...

Jul 22, 2014

“Soul Satisfaction—A Study in Philippians”

Are We There Yet?

Philippians 3:12-4:1



Paul’s Confession . . .


1.    As followers of Christ, we are not perfect like Christ.(v.12)

·         We are all in process.  (Philippians 1:6, 9-11; 2:12-13; 1 Corinthians 13:11-12)


2.    As followers of Christ, we...

Jul 13, 2014

Philippians 3:7-11


Loss is Gain . . .


The reasons Paul considered everything loss is because . . .


·         Meaning and significance do not come from a list of achievements or titles, but from being identified with Christ.

“But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ.” (v.7)



Jul 11, 2014


   John 7:37-39


For us to know and live a life of spiritual abundance we must realize…

  1. Paul was able to say with joy and peace that “…to live is Christ and die is gain

because his soul’s thirst was being satisfied by the presence and the power of             the Holy Spirit. (John 7:37-39)