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Jun 24, 2013

Song of Solomon 5:2-6:12


Truth Statements:

·         Conflict is inevitable in marriage. 

o   I am a sinner.


·         Conflict happens because we feel wronged, or our desires and needs have not been met. 

o   We are hurt

o   Lack of communication

o   Unmet expectations


Navigating through conflict in...

Jun 17, 2013

“Sacred Love”

Song of Solomon 3:6-5:1



 The Wedding Day . . .

·         This is a sacred celebration. (3:6-7a)

o   It is pleasing to God

o   It is an expression of the gospel story

o   It is a public declaration


·         She feels a sense of security. (3:7-8)

o   She feels safe with him


Jun 10, 2013

Song of Solomon 2:8-3:5


From Desire to Adoration . . .


For Her

There is a sense of excitement and anticipation in hearing his voice and being in his presence. 

For Him

1.  There is a strong desire to be with and pursue her.

·         He takes the initiative; He is the pursuer.

·         It is a desire, not an

Jun 3, 2013

Treasuring Christ (2013)

Matthew 6:19-21

So, where’s your heart?  And what is your heart’s treasure?


Philippians 3:7-11


To Treasure Christ means . . .


·         I trust Him completely.

      “But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ.” Philippians 3:7


·         I treasure Him...