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Oct 5, 2015

Why Marriage Ministry?


1) To _________ or ______________ the _________ message to marriages through the making of ______________.

      Eph. 5:25


2) To produce a ______________ effect on our __________ and ___________ ministries as families are only as __________ as marriages. Prov. 14:26


3) A couple who may ________ walk through the front doors of our church may be __________ to Crossgate and the _______ _______ of Jesus Christ by the _______ they are feeling in a strained ____________ relationship. Matt. 11:28


4) Creates __________ opportunities for trained Crossgate    couples to ______ other couples at a time when they are  ___________. 1 John 3:18; Gal. 5:13-14