Jun 16, 2014
God chooses to use us to advance His Gospel as He commands us to live our life in a way that is worthy of His Gospel.
As Fathers, God is calling us to encourage others as well as our families with the love of Christ. God's Word says that the way to accomplish this is to humble ourselves and to put others and their interests before our own. To live with the character of Christ is only possible with a daily renewing of our minds which then can manifest itself into an attitude of sincere humility The reason we do this is to portray and live out the love of Christ before a lost and hurting world.
As Fathers, God is also calling us to be brave using the boldness of Christ as He resides in us. True courage can only come with the power and wisdom that comes from the power of God.
As Fathers, God is specifically calling us to sacrifice ourselves and our ambitions, pleasures, time and interests and obey Jesus Christ in all things. To be so captivated with the Gospel of Christ that God can/will exalt you in the proper time to help advance His Kingdom.
So the question is as a Father do you exhibit this kind of humility, courage, serving and sacrifice for your family and others for the sake of the Gospel?