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Mar 13, 2016

“Uncommon—Surrendering To and Pursuing An Uncommon Savior”

Colossians 3; 1 Peter 2:21-25

If you are going to have an uncommon marriage it will take an uncommon man and an uncommon woman surrendering to and pursuing an uncommon Savior. 


Surrendering . . .

Your journey to becoming an uncommon man and an uncommon woman begins with surrendering to an uncommon Savior.


Pursuing . . .

By grace, God has pursued us.  For His glory and our good we pursue His Son. 

  • To pursue Christ is to seek (Colossians 3:1-2)
  • As we seek Christ, we are conformed to His likeness. (Colossians 3:12-17)


What If . . . ?

Let your life be an expression of the gospel of grace as you endure unjust suffering. (1 Peter 2:1-3; 2:21-23)


  • Follow the example of Christ.
    • When slandered, don’t slander.
    • When wounded, don’t be malicious.
    • When it’s lacking, don’t be envious of another.
    • When it’s difficult, don’t be deceptive/manipulative.
    • When reviled, don’t revile in return.
    • When threatened, don’t threaten in return.


  • Entrust your life to the God who judges justly. (1 Peter 2:23)


So That . . .

So that your spouse may be won to Christ or encouraged to pursue Christ.   


Overseer of My Soul . . .

As a follower of Christ, Jesus shepherds me in the way I should go and oversees my soul.  (1 Peter 2:25)