May 3, 2015
Amplify: The Eternal Sin
Mark 3:22-30
A Blatantly False Accusation . . .
Although the scribes knew Jesus was doing good, in order to discredit Him, they continually claimed He was evil. (v. 22)
· Jesus had healed a many who was demonically possessed.
· Jesus had healed many who were physically ill and diseased.
o Simon Peter’s mother-in-law
o The leprous man
o The paralytic
o The man with the withered hand
An Irrefutable Response . . .
The logic of the scribes was flawed, indefensible, and intellectually dishonest. (v.23-26)
· Satan will not cast out Satan.
· A divided kingdom will not stand.
· Jesus will bind the strong man and take what is rightfully His.
“The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.” 1 John 3:8
Amazing Grace and Explicit Truth . . .
Amazing grace is seen in God’s gracious forgiveness for all who turn from sin (repentance), and turn to Christ for the forgiveness of sin. (v. 28)
The explicit truth is, those who continually speak against the Spirit of God, willfully rejecting His work and defying the name of Christ because of the hardness of their heart, cannot be forgiven.
o The scribes blasphemed the Spirit when they visibly witnessed the work of the Spirit, yet continually professed what was good as evil.
o To blaspheme the Holy Spirit is to reject the gracious saving work of God made possible through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ.
Questions for Discussion . . .
1. What is difficult about this passage of Scripture?
2. Why do you believe the scribes were so bold to call what was good, evil?
3. Discuss the significance of the imperfect verb “said” in Mark 3:22 and “they were saying” in Mark 3:30. Remember, the imperfect tense means that they kept saying in over and over again.
4. What are some ways that people may attack Christianity today with flawed logic?
5. How is grace and mercy seen in verse 28, and why is that so encouraging?
6. Was there ever a time when you feared you had committed the unpardonable sin?
7. How would you caution a non-Christian concerning the reality and nature of the eternal (unpardonable) sin?
8. Even though a follower of Christ cannot commit the eternal sin, how does it serve as a warning and exhortation for Christians?