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Oct 23, 2016


Psalm 46


Because God Is My Refuge . . .


  • I can have confident trust in knowing I have nothing to fear.
    • The things I often place my trust and find refuge in, do not hold up when my world is shaken.


  • I do not need to fear because He is ever present.
    • He is in our midst (v.5)
    • He is our joy (v.4)
    • He is our help (v.5)
    • He is our security (v.5)
    • He is sovereign over all (v.6-9)


  • When the “even though” moments happen in life, I can rest in the truth that “God is.”
    • Do not become overwhelmed by what surrounds you and underwhelmed by Christ in you.


  • I need to be still and know that He is God and I am not. (v.10)
    • God is worthy of our worship and wonder.
      • We meet God in the Selah moments of our life.