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Nov 15, 2015

This Is My Story”

Acts 17:16-34


Why Tell My Story . . . ?


  • Because everyone matters to God.
    • Is your heart broken over the lostness of those around you?
      • When the lostness of people affects me personally, it moves me to action.

“So he reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews and the devout persons, and in the marketplace every day with those who happened to be there.”  (Acts 17:17)


  • What part of my world can I impact with the gospel?


  • Because people are seeking a God to worship. (v. 18-21)

“We wish to know what these things mean.”  (v.20)


“It is easy to see that you and I have been created to worship. We’re flat-out desperate for it. From sports fanaticism to celebrity tabloids to all the other strange sorts of voyeurisms now normative in our culture, we evidence that we were created to look at something beyond ourselves and marvel at it, desire it, like it with zeal, and love it with affection. Our thoughts, our desires, and our behaviors are always oriented around something, which means we are always worshiping — ascribing worth to — something. If it’s not God, we are engaging in idolatry. But either way, there is no way to turn the worship switch in our hearts off.”  The Explicit Gospel, Matt Chandler


  • Your story points people to the God they are seeking.


  • Because telling your story brings clarity to confusion. (v. 22-34)
    • Your story can help answer questions people have about God.