Sep 28, 2014
John 18:33-38; John 14:6
Truth Defined . . .
Truth is simply a common and knowable reality that exists independently of our perception; it is objective, universal, and constant.
· In other words, truth is absolute.
A Culture in Crisis . . .
How people define truth will determine how people live their life.
· It shapes a person’s morality.
· It shapes a person’s values.
· It shapes a person’s culture.
· It shapes a person’s religious views.
If you do not take truth seriously, you will not take God seriously.
Truth in a Post-Modern Culture . . .
Postmodernism says that truth cannot be known. It is based on feelings, experience, and is morally relative.
· If I feel that it is true, then it must be true.
· If my experience tells me it’s true, then it must be true.
· I may believe something to be true, but it might not be true for others.
The Post-Modern Mindset . . .
· Seeks not to offend, therefore it is tolerant of all beliefs as being true.
· Seeks to eliminate a system of beliefs, therefore it offers a variety of beliefs to embrace.
· Seeks to deny an objectivemoral standard, therefore there is no accountability needed.
o If there is no absolute truth, there are no consequences for living a morally relative life.
The Truth Is . . .
There must be a moral code, or law, written within us. (Romans 2:14-16)
· If there is a moral law, then there must be a moral lawgiver.
· If there is a moral lawgiver, then the moral lawgiver must be the source of all truth.
· If the moral lawgiver is the source of all truth then the moral lawgiver must be objective, universal, and constant.