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Sep 17, 2012

James 1:16-27


The Point James is Making . . .

·         Don’t talk about what you believe; live out what you say you believe.


Truth Statement:  To talk about religion but not live out genuine faith is worthless.  (James 1:26)


We may have become so inoculated by our religiosity that we have become desensitized or numb to the truth regarding our heart. 


A Practical Truth About Real Life . . .


Real faith displayed in real life involves meeting real needs. (James 1:27)


·         James mentions three needs:

1.      To visit orphans—literally means to care for; look after; select

2.      To visit widows

3.      To keep oneself unstained from the world—literally means that we are to be set apart.


To Care for Orphans . . .


·         There are 104,000 children currently in foster care in the United Sates that are legally available for adoption. (Focus on the Family,

·         There are over 500 children available for adoption through foster care in the state of Arkansas.  (C.A.L.L.—Children of Arkansas Loved for a Lifetime,

·         The United States has over 300,000 churches.



It is the responsibility of the Christian community to engage in the care for orphans.  The question is not “Should I be involved,” but “God, how are you leading me to be involved?”


·         Adoption

o   Adoption is the story of the gospel.

§  Ephesians 1:5; Galatians 4:4-6; Romans 8:12-17, 23-24

·         Foster Care

·         Host Home

·         Sponsorship

·         On Mission