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Feb 1, 2021

As we conclude our series, “The Priority of Community”, we look at the importance of LifeGroups in building a authentic community.

Sharing life with other Christ followers is of vital importance, but what should LifeGroups be focusing on when meeting together?

  • Teaching and Prayer – When gathering as a LifeGroup, our goal is not to simply check a box when it comes to studying the Bible, instead our goal is to “pursue biblical counsel in all areas of life.” When we study the Word together, we should aim for a willingness to be transformed by the voice of God – that is what we call the experiential knowledge of God. And when we are being transformed by the Spirit of God our allegiance to prayer deepens substantially. When as a group we are devoted to praying for each other, for the hard things in our lives, we will become defined by prayer.
  • Personal Connection – Fellowship together means sharing meals together, sharing fun together, and sharing burdens together. Those who are actively connected to a LifeGroup have roots that help them to receive care and endure; those that don’t, don’t.
  • Tangible Care – Meeting each other’s needs means that doing life together is more than teaching, prayer, and personal connections. It means sharing our needs within the safety of our LifeGroups and joining together to provide compassionate care for those who are hurting.
  • Consistent Engagement – You cannot do life together sporadically; you must commit to meeting together on a regular basis. Meeting together is a key toward staying involved in each other’s lives.
  • Outward Focus – Finally, it is vital that our LifeGroups maintain a healthy balance of sharing together but also looking outside the group to help advance God’s Kingdom.