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Oct 19, 2014

Jonah 1:1-17

The Not-So-Great Escape . . .


1.    Jonah was unwilling to surrender to the call of God on his life, so he ran



·         When the desires of my heart do not align with the desires of God’s heart, I’m faced with the choice to surrender to God or sprint from God.


2.    Jonah fled to the most distant place to escape the presence of God. 



·         When I pursue desires that supersede God’s call, it always leads me downward.


·         I cannot run fast enough or far enough to escape the presence of God.

“If I ascend to heaven, you are there!  If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!”  Psalm 139:8


3.    Jonah found himself running from God and running into disaster.



·         When I run in defiance from God, I run into the misery of a life lived in opposition to God.

·         When I live in disobedience it affects more than just me.


TwoRelevant Questions . . .


What is the “Ninevah” God is calling me to?


Am I willing to surrender to the will of God by adjusting my attitude and my life in order to live in obedience to Him?